Saturday, November 7, 2015

| Down Memory Lane |


Looking back to all my previous posts of years back I thought that I was going through growing up phases. It was funny yet reminding me of how I was too. I think I become more matured now because of what I experienced before. But still cant deny that I miss Lodz a lot. It's been 3 months and a half that I came back to Malaysia and nothing beats the precious tranquility that I had in Lodz. I hope that everything stays the same there cause I definitely gonna come back one day. 

Speaking of maturing process, I guess I should state that in not more than 10 days ahead I will have an interview with kkm on starting to work as an excellent houseman. Wish me luck guys I need it a lot. 

Till then,
Pretty plain

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hello June

It's already 2nd of June and soon enough I will be graduating. Too fast time flies and I cant even think about it. Mixed feelings to leave this place that already felt like home. May Allah ease everything. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

| Dry Air |


Im here writing again eventhough I have a lot of other things in my mind to be settled. 

Just want to brag about the climate changes. Here it goes again. 

In the first few days when I arrived everything is fine. I just felt so glad that I am here after those long 2 months. 

However, dry air started to give me a lot of pain day and night. I woke up with a bad sorethroat and runny nose each day nowadays. Plus my face begins to excoriate and it becomes red cause of the pain it caused. 

I guess my body is still not used to this 4 season country. I dont have that immune system the same as people who are living here lots of years. 

But somehow I love how quiet this city is. I am giving each days now here a big fat smile cause I am embracing things that happened to me with love. 

/ lesson learnt : gratitude unlocks the fullness of life /